In this article, you will learn the steps through which you can create a virtual machine in Windows 11.
First you must have access to all the resources to be used. the resources will be listed below.
The resources packed in Microsoft Azure website. Meaning, to have access to these resources, you must have an account with microsoft azure.
Setup your pay-as-you-go account with Microsoft Azure or you can create a free trial account with subscriptions.
The Lists of resources you have access to will be based on your selections and you can search for more resources in the search bar.
Create a Resource Group and give it a name E.g LekeRG2
To Create a Resource Group, goto the search bar and Type Resource Group, Click on it and Click Create
Next, Type the Resource Group name in the resource group field and choose the region you want your resource to be located as shown below.
Since you are creating a new resource group,never pick up an already existing name .
Click on Review +Create
Note that a resource group is like a container where your virtual machine resides.
Validation will be passed
Now you are sure that your Resource group had been created.
Goto Home and Click Virtual Machine or Search for Virtual Machine if VM is not part of the resources you added during your free account setup.
Click on Create as highlighted above.
Select Azure Virtual Machine
Select the Resource Group where your VM will reside ie LekeRG2 or if you don’t have a Resource group created at this point,you can create a New one right here.
Enter your Virtual Machine Name(LekeVM)
The region where your VM will reside will definitely be the same as the region where your Resource group will reside for effective computing and to avoid further prolong issues.
As for me that looks forward to pushing my company database(datacenter) to the cloud, the below will definitely be my options
Choose your VM Architecture X64 which your VM will run on
Choose the Size of your VM (For a free Azure Account, you have 1G Memory available.
Set other BASICS like the User name, Password.
Ensure that RDP(Remote Desktop Protocol) is part of your selections while setting up your virtual Machine
Click on Create
Upon Completion
Go to Resources
Click on the Virtual Machine you just created and Click Connect
The above image shows that your virtual machine is already running ,with a public IP of 51:142:122:139. Meaning ,that you can open/connect to this virtual machine anywhere around the world using the IP and the password.
To do so, on clicking Connect, a RDP File will be generated which will be expected to be downloaded and open. this will serve as the User Interface to connect to the Virtual machine with a prompt login details as supplied during VM Setup.
Run it and enter your Password to connect
After Successful Login, you see a page that looks exactly like a newly setup Windows 11 interface.
It is advisable that you delete every resources you created after test running. This is due to the fact that every resources you created are charged per seconds usage even on free Subscription.
The only time you are advices to leave a resources is when you create the resources for a company which they already paid for. and upon expiration,they are advice to renew.
If company failed to renew, they are advice to take backup of there information in the resources and take down all used resources because,they will continue to charge them to resource allocation.