How To Create And Connect To Linux Virtual Machine

How To Create And Connect To Linux Virtual Machine

In this article am about to show you, the start is quite similar to the way you create windows 11 virtual Machine i shared earlier.

First of all , if you want to create Linux VM with Microsoft Azure, you must have an account with Azure or if you are newbies, try and open a free account and get subscription tied to the account.

Lets get started,

Create a resource group where this virtual machine will reside as shown below

In this case, i name it LinuxRG.

Upon Click Review+Save , the resource group '''LinuxRG'' will be created

Proceed to home page and Click the Virtual Machine and Create one

The Next sets of images you will get upon click the create button and supply the informations as appropriate

The Image you set will define your virtual Machine if it a Windows VM or a Linux VM.

Note that SSH is tied to a Linux VM

Most times the Operating System disk type is set to Standard SSD that reside locally to avoid data redundancy.

Click on Review+Create to review all your selections and if satisfactory Ok, Proceed to Click Create in the next Page display below.

The Review of your selections are shown below

Click Create Create in the Review Page to get your Linux VM Started.

A Private Key will be generated which will be required to connect to your Virtual Machine.

The Virtual Machine will be deployed to the resource location stated as selected above.

Click on goto resources Page to see the details of the virtual machine created.

When you download the Private key generated above, you will be provided with the lists of recommended and the most common way to connect to your virtual Machine.

Either way you can connect to your virtual machine.

To connect to SSH using Azure CLI,Click on Select

Click Configure + Connect to Start Configuring the Machine.

Azure will configure your machine which may requires you to create a Virtual Disc Space storage for your Virtual machine.

Since all the Login details to connect reside in Azure, the connection will be automatic with little permission request.

For the Native SSH Connect,

Click the Select Button and Follow the instruction below

Paste your SSH key as generated in the downloaded file to the box provided

Go to your Powershell and input the ssh username@ip, press enter

Supply your password and press enter.

Once you press enter, you would be logged in to your virtual machine

Lastly, It is always recomended for you to drop all resources used in creating your virtual Machine. Reason been that, since your free account carries $200 . That value signifies the amount of time you can spend on the free account. If you choose to leave any free resources,you will be charged per seconds. And upon exhaustion, you will be kicked out with no resources available to be used except if you move to Pay- as- you- go.

To delete a resources, goto the home page and Choose the resources you wish to delete and press the delete button, you will be required to confirm delete of the resources by clearly spell out the resource name before delete can take place.